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If you lose in any of the gambling games and then reload your saved game, the game will force you to wait 30 seconds to prevent you from cheating. However, there is a way around it. When you are at the slot machines, do not exit slot machine mode to reload your game when you lose.
Instead, once the wheel stops spinning and your results are shown, pause the game and reload your saved game. As long as you do not exit slot machine mode before reloading, you will not be forced to wait 30 seconds after reloading.
To make easy money, try the slot machine at its maximum of tokens. Never try more than twice at a time. If you lose both spins, just reload your saved game. If you win one of the two times, save your game and continue. Through some Speech checks, you can get him to give you his gun for escorting him out of the cave that he is in.
When you get to the entrance of the cave with him in tow, he will speak, and you can keep asking him for his rifle, which he will give you along with ammunition. Note: This is best done after getting the perk that allows for over encumbered fast travel. The following glitch allows you to repair all items to the player's current repair level without using any caps. You first must have the Confirmed Bachelor perk and enough caps to cover the repair cost of the item. When you arrive at the Mohave Outpost to get the pardon for the new sheriff of Primm, during the conversation with Major Knight, a Confirmed Bachelor speech option is available.
Select it, and whenever you do repairs through him, the item will get repaired to your repair level, but no caps will be deducted from your inventory. Go to Old Mormon Fort in Freeside. Find Julie Farkes inside the Fort. Choose the dialogue option to help them get medical supplies. Go through the dialogue options to hear one that tells you that she just got a shipment of magazines. Then, choose the "I have some medical supplies to drop off" option. There will then be three options; choose the "Rad-Away" option, as it is the easiest one of the three to find.
You only need to leave one thing if you do not care about fame. Every time you give them something, you will gain more fame. After you give them the supplies, choose the "I'd like to buy medical supplies" option. There are a few aid supplies there that you can get if desired, but they will not regenerate.
In the supply list, you can find the magazines. Buy any desired magazines, and then exit. You can then choose the option to give med supplies again. This time you do not need to give them anything; simply choose the "Never mind" option. Go back to "Buy medical supplies", and you can repeat the process for more magazines. You repeat this as many times as desired as long as you choose to drop off supplies first. You can even come back to do it again at a later time. Purchase or find the Anti-Material Rifle.
Then, equip it with incendiary rounds. You will not use any ammunition, but they will still be on fire and lose health. You will not aggro enemies or friendlies. Also, you will not lose Karma or Reputation with each kill. Find a place to hide that is out of the line of sight of all surrounding NPC's, and save the game. Then, pick up an item by pressing [Z], and drag it to your hiding spot. Once it says you are "hidden", press [E] to add it to your inventory. If you lose any Karma, reload your saved game, and try again.
You can do this with any of the items on the counter, and there is a hiding spot on the back side of the room. This glitch requires a 20 Speech skill level.
Talk to the 10 of Spades in Camp McCarren. You may first need to find out about Corporal Betsy's trauma. Start a dialogue with him, and select "I heard about what happened to Corporal Betsy", then "Tell me what happened". The next options will be the Speech Check or "If you were unconscious, how could you have done anything?
After you select the unconscious option, the Speech Check will be available again, but grayed out. However, you can still keep pressing [E], and they will alternate. Even though the Speech Check is grayed out, it still counts as a pass. Save the game before starting a dialogue with a Speech bonus, hacking a computer, lock picking, or pick pocketing. Then, simply reload the game if you fail the challenge. To always hack successfully, go to the terminal, and save the game.
Then, start the sequence. If you fail, just reload your saved game, and try again until you do it successfully. Only use three attempts during a hack, so you leave yourself with one to back out. Then, go back to the attempts screen, and you will have four more chances. If you move your cursor throughout the symbols, sometimes you will highlight a group of symbols that you can enter as the password. This will completely refill your password attempts, or delete "dud" words.
Sell any weapon that is broken to the Gun Runners. You will receive 0 caps. Accept the sale, and then buy it back for 0 caps. It will be fully repaired for free. Find a large object that you can push or pick up.
Drop it next to a standing NPC that is not leaning against a wall, doing push-ups, or sitting. Run against the object, and it will damage the NPC without them becoming hostile or you losing reputation. Repeat this until the target is dead.
Note: You may take some damage, and the object might fly away. Find a vendor that has two of the same items, but different quality.
If you buy the cheaper quality item, you will still get the higher quality item. In Camp McCarran, you can gain entry to the monorail that goes directly to the strip. Take the long way around, and stay as close to the vending machines as possible. Follow the wall around the back way.
Make sure the other soldier has his back to you. Crouch and sneak up to this soldier. You may hear the phrase indicating that if you get any closer, they will have to shoot you. However, as long as you remain hidden, it should only flash "Detected" briefly a few times. As soon as you are close enough to the door, you can go through it and take a monorail directly to the strip.
This may require a few attempts. Be careful when returning to the monorail from the strip, as you will probably be shot. However, as soon as you enter the monorail, it resets, and you can again ride it back to the strip again.
By using this glitch, you can bypass many annoyances and quests, and skip directly to meeting Mr. House and finding the person who shot you. Note: This trick requires a few C4 and a Detonator. In the final part of the "Dead Money" downloadable content, you will enter a vault with 37 gold bars weighing 35 pounds each. Each gold bar is worth 10, caps. You are not supposed to be able to take them all; however, this glitch allows you to take all 37 gold bars. Enter the vault, and the door will lock behind you.
Take everything in the room that you want including the 36 gold bars on the table to your right and the gold bar on the Overseers desk. Deactivate the security system, and activate the computer on the desk. Then, only read "Vera", and do not access the file that shows up after you read it. Elijah will appear on the monitor; convince him to meet you in the vault. When the conversation ends, the door will unlock.
Leave the room immediately, and walk to the far right stairway. A blue force field will appear blocking your path; lay the C4 at the bottom of those stairs, and then press your body against the blue force field in the doorway. When Elijah finishes speaking, he should switch places with you. Make sure he is on or very near your C4. Detonate the C4, and then leave the way you came. You should now have all 37 gold bars worth a total of , caps. Enter the offices in Hoover Dam, and find the room with radiation signs around it.
In that room are barrels of goo. To the left is a stack of crates. One of the crates contains the armor. There are two sets, so you can make repairs. It is the best non-power armor in the game, and has no faction connections. Go to the basement where Chris goes when they are about to launch the rocket and asks for spare parts.
In this room to the left side as you enter is a shelf with an orange suit and a helmet that resembles a fish bowl. Pick them up. When you wear them, they look like something from a 's comic book. Search the indicated locations to find all eight companions. Successfully complete the listed task s to recruit the corresponding companion. Note: You can only have one human as a companion at a time.
If you recruit a new human companion, you will need to tell them to go to the Lucky 38 Casino so you can swap with him or her later. Location: Cass a. Rose of Sharon Cassidy is a caravan merchant and the daughter of John Cassidy, and can be found at the Mojava Outpost inside the Mojava Outpost Barracks sitting at the bar drinking. You must complete the "Heartache By The Number" quest to start the process of being able to recruit her. Note: Additional quests may come up during these quests depending on the choices you make and how you are playing the game.
Perk: Whiskey Rose gives you and Cass a higher damage level when you both drink whiskey. You will also not suffer intelligence loss from consuming alcohol and ignoring the effects of alcohol addiction. Location: Craig Boone is a very talented ex-NCR sniper with a grudge against Caesar's Legion, and can be found inside the Dino's mouth guarding the town of Novac after 9 p.
You must complete the "One For My Baby" quest that he gives you when you talk to him in order to be able to recruit him as a companion. He offers a lot of help if you play in Hardcore mode. He pairs really well with either ED-E or Rex. Perk: Spotter automatically marks hostile targets in the area, which can help at night in case you do not spot an enemy or to differentiate between a friend or an enemy. You will get this after completing the first quest with Craig Boone.
The only difference between both armors is cosmetic. You will get this after completing the second quest with Craig Boone. Location: ED-E is a prototype eyebot designed for combat and reconnaissance operations, and can be found in Primm. Perk: Enhanced Sensors allow you to detect enemies at an increased range, and enemies will appear on the compass and can be targeted in VATS even while cloaked.
This works even better if you use this in conjunction with the Spotter perk from Craig Boone. Location: Lily Bowen is a friendly nightkin and former member of the Master's army, and can be found in Jacobstown. Upgrade: Dialogue about medicine after psychotic breaks or administer medicine in varying amounts to affect the frequency of psychotic breaks and combat damage.
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