Sims 4 crazy mod download

Just giving you ideas. Additionally, get the Buyable Hidden Lot Entrances mod for easy access. Pretty soon, your Sim will never leave their house. Roleplaying is everything in The Sims 4, and any mods that add that ability can be appreciated by any fan. Maybe even a flea market! The choice is yours, as always. Look, when there are fixes to be had, these are among the most important. This one fixes a silly little glitch that tends to happen a lot when Sims are playing on their console.

Everyone can couch co-op now! Like your Sims lumbersexual? There are mods to back up however you want them to look.

Want imperfect teeth? Here you go. I recommend checking out this site for all your Sims 4 custom content needs. They have Sims 4 hairstyles, body hair, eyebrows, makeup, skin, teeth, facial hair, anything you can think of.

You can also check out our guides for those best Sims 4 hair mods here and here for Maxis Match mods and custom content, specifically. The small amount of quick meals you can get from the fridge are enough to get anyone sick of having lunch, right?

Tired of all that cereal? Or all those microwave meals? Thanks to the Babies for Everyone mod, your young adult and older Sims can have a baby with anyone they love.

With it, it will be way harder to get back in the appropriate frame of mind once something has put your Sim in a different mood. Here, the creator does a good job explaining it:. This collection of changes big and small aims to allow your Sims to feel more human, to make the events in their lives feel more meaningful, and to turn managing their lives into a more interesting challenge.

Tons of standard Sims features were left out of The Sims 4. This mod by Fogity fixes quite arguably the worst feature to be to be removed from this release of The Sims. Previously, whenever a Sim disappeared from a lot to go to work you would be unable to access the menus containing their desires, skills, relationships, and mood info.

The Menu Enabler mod simply keeps these menus available whenever a Sim leaves the active lot for work or fun.

Love raising a family in The Sims? Well, good for your Sims for maturing and deciding to take such a grand step forward in their lives. Hold on, though, are you sure you want to deal with the vanilla Sims baby?

Always whining, wanting food, love, and general attention so often in a day? You should download the Easygoing Baby mod to calm it down a bit and keep its mood up until it can age. Maybe even turn on accelerated aging for babies, too. Okay, I gave it away for this one in the heading right there. No more rushing to work in the mornings! Simply had to include something that helps players not waste time. Always working out to have the most Adonis looking possible?

When you get it, the metabolism in the game — so to speak — gets a tune up. It will be harder for you to reach peak physique in the game. This really makes it more of an accomplishment, you know? Want to get your slim Sim to fill in their clothes a bit more?

This Sims 4 mod is simple in that it just makes it possible to set the weight levels of your characters using the cheat console commands. Why was anything taken out, you know? You know you want cars for your Sim family. Get this mod. It allows you to get back those vehicles you know and love from past games before EA inevitably forces you to buy them in an expansion! You could also download this Sims 4 mod to get the cars already available around the world and place them for decoration.

For now, we Simmers need to rely on the modders to fill in the gaps for EA. Bless the best of the best when it comes to Sims 4 mods. If you, like Mindy Kaling in The Mindy Project, believe that best friendship is a tier, then this mod is perfect for you.

It allows you to have more than just one like the game currently limits you. Admit it. The first thing you did while making that very first Sim in TS4 was see how crazy you could make your characters look using the new Create-A-Sim interface. This set of mods removes a lot of the restrictions imposed on body modification to keep the game boring and realistic.

Not me. You can check out more slider Sims 4 mods over here. And one modder took it upon themselves to correct one they noticed: the worlds all have largely the same weather patterns despite being different, well, worlds!

This mod is a must for anyone looking for weather variety in their TS4 game. Here are the changes it does:. After all, the sheets should have nothing to do with the energy! Tired of only having, like, three spots to have fun with your little Simmers? Grab your family, head on over to the lot, and enjoy some classic movies with popcorn.

Perfect for the cinephile Sim in your life. This is even better when coupled with the movie night pack that adds bigger screens, popcorn, and more! Who says that you can only be a kid and enjoy Voidcritters?

Oh, The Sims 4 does. Well, I call BS there! For those of us that grew up with a childhood phenomenon, odds are that years later you still very much so care for that same cartoon or what have you. These mods understands that, and make it possible to trade as well as play Voidcritters at any age! With the Notebook V2 mod , you will be able to do all the writing related things they could do on the computer, except from the comfort of any place within the house.

Also, with a strange device called a pen. This mod makes it so that teens can join the Social Media career track that City Living brought to the table. This mod is here to do exactly that. It even adds a lot of ethnic names to create a lot of diversity among your worlds and towns. You had ice cream? My Sim has no time for your BS, John.

Really annoying whenever this happens needlessly, right? It allows you to retire as young as the Adult life state. There are a lot of mods available to The Sims 2 fans that want to bring over the most iconic furniture pieces to The Sims 4.

Miss the Tiki Outdoor Set and its add-ons? Want to get retro with the 60s Living Room Set? Or maybe you want to feel fabulous with the Glamorous Living Set? Just letting you know this is definitely a thing that happens a lot each month! When you download and install it, your teen Sims will be able to raise their Parenting skill.

This is great for getting a headstart on that skill, as well as for getting that roleplaying in. The Sims has a way of making friendships into little, fragile butterflies. You can actually go two weeks with no interactions now and still consider a certain Sim your best friend. It cuts out a huge annoyance where literal hours after the fact your Sim might actually get up by themselves without you telling them to.

Here are some of the ones I found, for example. Whenever your child and teen Sim goes off, precious hours of their days are lost. Well, have no fear! You can download and install this mod to cut the amount of time children and teens will be in school by giving them an earlier exit. If you want to roleplay your families having to sign up for welfare, then this Sims 4 mod is perfect for your next playthrough or even challenge. Your Sims can sign up for it by applying for it as though it were a career.

While there are a lot with all of the expansion packs and the base game, there can always be more, right? Modders think so, too. If you, like me, are really weirded out by how often Sims are just DTF all the time, then this mod will be great for you. Thus, every single career will yield less and your bills will get higher.

Especially if you installed the bills mod I mentioned earlier in this post. A great way to add uniqueness to your characters by making them have specific dating preferences, eh? Especially for your Sims. Check around for new recipes, like this one that introduces two new soups. Not even the Romantic or Alluring Sims!

Well, this modder thought so, too, and made a mod that allows Alluring and Romantic characters to get their fun need up with some romance! Kissing, flirting, everything will get that moodlet and mood up.

With this mod , cooking has become a bit harder. That is, before this mod. When a fire bursts out in the game, your Sim can often get caught in it. But what if damage were done to their skin already once that happens? This mod gets rid of the random illness system brought in by the Get to Work expansion.

Find it troublesome dealing with your Sim getting sleepy all the time? This mod makes it so that a cup of Joe wakes your Sim right the hell up. With it, the fires in The Sims 4 can start up faster and spread quickly. They become more intense as you choose from three different options. Perfect for those that want to quickly dispose of their Sims. In The Sims 4, leveling up your skills means getting a very intrusive message in the center of the screen.

I really summed this one up right there in the subheading. No need to pay those points you get. This is a huge plus for anyone looking to open up a five star restaurant as fast as they possibly can. This is a good one for those builders out there.

Autonomous Sims tend to make poor choices. This is useful as it will assure that your Sim keeps their mood going. The Activity Table is awesome for kids to work on their creativity, but it can be extremely clunky. With this mod , the whole thing becomes just a chair that you can set to any table.

The game waits five minutes after a Sim has spawned into a lot before spawning in the next one. Five whole Sim minutes. This mod works to shorten that time so that locations are a lot less barren. Super useful when combined with mods that increase number of people in a lot.

No one likes it when the world feels empty, and this Sims 4 mod definitely helps with that. Who doesn't love a great ghost story? Unfortunately, the game is pretty tame when it comes to its ghosts. Relatives just kind of annoy the Sims after they've passed, without really planting the fear of the dark in their hearts.

Good thing the Possessed Child mod exists, letting Sims summon the most terrifying creature ever known to the Sims universe.

A word of warning though: people will most likely die, so be careful when handling this weird Sims 4 mod in-game, especially in a beloved household save file. The Sims 4 , much like its earlier installments, is a pretty child-friendly game overall. And that's all fine and good, but if for some reason players are looking to really spice up their Sims' WooHoo habits and they're well over the age of 18, this mod lets them do just that. While some of it is quite explicit, other interactions such as enhanced kissing and cuddling can actually be pretty sweet.

Just make sure not to share the game with anyone who's not of the age to play this mod. Unlike The Sims 4 , real life is pretty violent. Crime and murder happen every day, yet the world of The Sims seems pretty peaceful now that burglars are no longer a feature in the game. Thankfully, the Extreme Violence mod adds a bit or a lot, depending on what players prefer of spice into the lives of Sims.

Sims can stab, punch and shoot other Sims whenever they feel like it. There are new death types as well, some of which are quite horrifying. Players can even turn on free will, which is highly unadvised since it might end up with the entire neighborhood just massacring each other.

If a Sim has a bit of a unique appetite and the old grilled cheese just isn't cutting it, players can now download the cannibalism mod , which allows their Sim to turn into flesh-hungry cannibals who love eating other Sims. It's not the most ethical of ways to fill a plate for sure, and players might be shocked at their Sim randomly pulling out knives to butcher someone for food, but if it makes them happy does it really matter? The final judgment is up to the player themselves.

The emotion system in The Sims 4 is pretty nice, but it can get a bit boring after a while when everyone's just passively enjoying their day and not trying to upset anyone. In reality, people are not as rational as Sims, which is what the Emotional Overcharge mod seeks to remedy. Sims will now be more likely to be guided by their emotions, whether they're positive or negative, even if other Sims are performing happy or kind interactions on them.

Time to start a bar fight! With the upcoming Sims 5 game, fans hope to see their favorite family units make a comeback. From the Brokes to the Goths, we share our wish list. Tea lover and video game obsessed writing enthusiast with her very own Overwatch team, Anastasia writes about games that leave an impression on her and make her come back time and time again. Share Share Tweet Email. Related Topics Lists sims 4. It fixes a lot of those common simulation lag complaints such as your sims doing nothing for hours on end, the sims head bobbing, time slowing down even when on speed 3, and the clock going back to the past.

Happy Simming! Other Posts You May Like:. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Skip to content. Previous Previous.

Next Continue. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. This is a huge astrology mod for the sims 4. The creator attempted to recreate the zodiac signs from the sims 2 and nailed it!

This trait mod comes with TONS of new whims and your sims will autonomously do things that correlate with their zodiac signs.

The point of these types of mods is to add more realism to the sims 4. However, I would totally understand if it comes across as offensive or insensitive to anyone currently struggling with these illnesses.

I am truly sorry if that is the case and I wish you healing and happiness. We were given a loves outdoors trait, but not a hates outdoors trait. Makes sense. But lucky for us, MarlynSims has created a very in-depth hates outdoors trait for our sims.

With this trait, your sims will struggle to excel at any careers that require them to be outdoors gardener, lifeguard, conservationist, etc. In addition, any skill that involves the outdoors will gain 0.

This sim really hates the outdoors. Or in the case of the technophobe trait, they will get stressed by using technology. Each of the traits comes with new buffs and social interactions. I especially love the fast learner trait. It makes teaching your toddlers skills much easier and faster.

Sims with the shutterbug trait love photography. They even build their photography skills 1. And the best part about the trait is that your sims will earn 4x as much money for their photographs as other non-shutterbug sims would!!

This trait would go perfectly with the semi-active photography career you can find here. Seducer sims know how to get their way when it comes to romance. These sims frequently get whims to do romantic things and enjoy new buffs when woohooing or trying for a baby. This trait makes for a spicy love life! The beach lover trait is perfect for your sims that live in Sulani. With this cc trait, your sims will get special buffs from doing beach-related activities like sunbathing, diving in the ocean, sailing on a boat, and more.

I LOVE this trait pack. I love the warm and cozy feelings of the autumn season. Now fall can have the same effect on my sim. So cool! This is another sims 4 mental illness trait.


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